The EDIH Network Summit took place on November 26 and 27 in Brussels, Belgium. The event brings together the main stakeholders of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) network, including representatives of various thematic working groups, national authorities and expert groups.

Делегацію консорціуму CLOTEX-HUB представляли начальник науково-дослідної частини Хмельницького національного університету, професор кафедри технології і конструювання швейних виробів Оксана Захаркевич та керівник відділу комерціалізації науково-технічних розробок, доцент кафедри технології і конструювання швейних виробів Юлія Кошевко,  які презентували Європейський цифровий інноваційний центр технологій одягу та текстилю  «CLOTEX-HUB».

The event included workshops, group discussions, and interactive sessions that facilitated an in-depth discussion of real challenges and prospects. Networking sessions became especially valuable for the participants, because they allowed to create new partnerships and exchange ideas. One of the highlights of the summit is the presentation of successful cases of digital transformation that have already been implemented in various sectors of the economy. These examples became a source of inspiration for many participants and showed the real results of cooperation within the EDIH network.

EDIH Network Summit 2024 became an important milestone in shaping the digital future of Europe. The event strengthened the interaction between EDIH entities, stimulated the discussion of practical solutions and confirmed the importance of supporting SMEs in their digital transformation.

This summit laid the foundation for the further development of innovative initiatives that will contribute to economic recovery and increase the competitiveness of European enterprises on a global scale.

The participants of the event noted the importance of such platforms for the joint search for solutions and the implementation of innovations that will shape Europe's sustainable digital future.

The Clotex Hub is co-funded by the European Union through the Digital Europe Programme under the grant agreement N101191415.


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