On December 18, 2024, a landmark and important event took place at Khmelnytskyi National University - the grand opening of the European digital innovation hub CLOTEX-HUB, which was the first in Ukraine to join the ECCI network.

Хмельницький національний університет є координатором консорціуму (у складі ХНУ, ГО «АСТАР», ГС «Подільський кластер моди», ГО «ІТ-кластер м. Хмельницького»), який реалізуватиме проєкт European Digital Innovation Hub of Clothing Technology and Textile (CLOTEX-HUB) протягом 2025-2028 рр. Clotex-Hub співфінансується Європейським Союзом через Програму Цифрова Європа.

We will remind, that on November 1, 2024, CLOTEX-HUB was the first in Ukraine to officially join the EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs) network. CLOTEX-HUB aims to increase the competitiveness of garment production products of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Khmelnytskyi region. Its activities are aimed at the digitization of clothing production and the introduction of innovative technologies, which contributes to the entry of products into the European market, integration into international chains of creation of added value of products and services. CLOTEX-HUB operates in a garment factory ecosystem that provides high added value experimental services, access to innovative training, technological infrastructure and financial support. 

The participants of the event were addressed with welcoming words in offline and online format: Antonio José Castro Area, consultant, FundingBox; Vladyslav Kavelin, senior adviser, Lviv office, GIZ; Volodymyr Honcharuk, First Deputy Chairman of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council; Serhiy Matyukh, rector of Khmelnytskyi National University; Oleksandr Yurchak, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance, EDIH Kyiv HightTech; Olga Shapoval, EASTERN-UKRAINE EDIH; Oleg Demchuk, chairman of the board of the NGO "ASTAR"; Vyacheslav Askerov, representative of the NGO "IT-cluster of the city of Khmelnytskyi"; Oleksandr Sukhovirskyi, chairman of the board of the GS "Podilskyi fashion cluster".

Oksana Zakharkevych, the project coordinator, presented the CLOTEX-HUB project and talked about the key areas of its activity.

Eurydiki Papachristou, coordinator of the 3D4U project, spoke about the synergy of the EDIH CLOTEX-HUB and 3D4U projects "3D concepts for fashion education in Ukraine".

Tomasz Buratowski, professor at the AGH University of Technology in Krakow, VISBROKER company, talked about the features of designing a sliding mannequin for sewing production.

As part of the grand opening, there was also a combined clothing show "Virtuality VS Reality" and a demonstration of EDIH capabilities.

In addition, an interactive exhibition of digital technologies in the sewing industry was running in parallel.

CLOTEX-HUB participants express their sincere gratitude to all those who helped and supported, advised and contributed to the preparation of the project - foreign partners, Ukrainian government organizations and local authorities. We hope for further fruitful cooperation and successful implementation of all tasks.

Department of Public Relations


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